Restaurant | Zurich


A moment of holiday feeling on the Mediterranean

Azzurro is the color of the sea and the sky. The very word brings back memories of carefree...

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What does a room have to be like for us humans to feel comfortable? This question has been on my mind ever since I founded the Andrin Schweizer Company in 1998 and started designing spaces together with my team.

Because that is precisely our declared goal: to create spaces in which people simply enjoy spending time, in which they feel comfortable. We believe - and after more than 25 years of experience, this belief has turned into knowledge - that carefully and lovingly designed rooms radiate a sensuality that touches people at their innermost core.

There is magic in every beginning. With this famous quote, Hermann Hesse is always very close to my team and me when we tackle a new task. At these moments, you can literally breathe in the excitement and joyful enthusiasm in our office. Because every new project has the potential to make this world a little bit more beautiful.

Or at least a part of it - namely the world of our customers. Because it is their dreams and ideas that show us the way - the way to the final space.

And so we try to develop an appropriate architectural language for every project, to tell a story with every room. Sometimes it makes sense - and brings sensuality - to see the architectural history of the building as a guideline for the design. Sometimes it makes sense to make the surroundings perceptible and tangible. Sometimes it is the life story of the residents that provides the best basis for interior design.

We are passionate about creating atmospheric interiors. And we pour this passion into all our work. In both the grand gestures and the small details. The feedback we hear most often from our customers: That they feel really comfortable in the spaces we design. For us, that's the greatest compliment.


Andrin Schweizer in TEC21 Magazine

Journalist Hella Schindel interviewed Andrin Schweizer for TEC21 magazine, the magazine of the SIA Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects....

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M. A. Interior Design

Christoph Willems decided to train as a carpenter in Tübingen out of a passion for the craft. He then went on to study interior design in Kaiserslautern. Since completing his Master's degree, he has...

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Interior work for a holiday resort | Albonago

REKA FeriendorfAlbonago



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